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Should Property Owners Participate in Tenant Selection? Chula Vista, CA

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Should landlords choose tenants? The straight answer is: No. Property managers should not allow owners to have a say in the tenants that are placed in those professionally managed properties. Today, we’re telling you why.


Property Management Chula Vista: Discrimination Laws

Property owners typically have little knowledge of the complete litany of discrimination laws. It’s very easy to discriminate if you’re not careful. This can be a can of worms and result in nasty lawsuits. Often, we save landlords and property owners from themselves. This is not a matter of owners not being smart enough to pick tenants; they just don’t know the laws and how they change from one year to the next.


Property Management Chula Vista: Legal Compliance

There’s a difference between service animals and pets. This is another detail or circumstance that you may not be well versed in. This could result in a dispute or discrimination charge. Criminal background checks are part of the screening process and need to be done lawfully. Keeping you insulated and protected is our goal. We have very strict guidelines that we have to adhere to in California. State and local laws factor into the rental process. Most property owners aren’t reading about state and local laws with regard to fair housing. We are regulated by HUD.


Property Management Chula Vista: Protection

We don’t let our property owners participate in the selection process for the protection of the owners.

We always document each applicant’s screening process. This ensures that everyone is treated the same way. With our consistent application process, everyone is treated correctly and no one can claim we discriminated.

These are serious matters, so let your property manager take care of the tenant selection process. It’s why you hire us, and we need to protect you while keeping your liability at a minimum.

If you have any questions or you want to talk about our property management services, please contact us at Noble Real Estate Services.

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