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San Diego Property Management Services – How and What We Provide

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Today, we are going over the number of services we provide when we manage your rentals. If you’re new to San Diego property management services or you’re thinking about hiring a great manager, you probably have questions about the services you’ll receive in exchange for the management fee you pay. We understand your concerns.


 Noble Real Estate Services Property Management Fees

We charge a flat fee of 10 percent of any rents collected. So, if we collect $1,000 a month in rent, we earn $100 that month. We don’t have any start-up fees or junk fees. Everything is very transparent and there are no surprises. Our owners appreciate that.


Chula Vista/San Diego Area Property Management Services

Here’s what you get for your money.

We are open six days a week for normal business, and seven days a week for tenant emergencies or habitability issues. We have a fully staffed office here to support you for anything you need or your tenants need. That might be a leaky faucet or the garbage disposal or a backed up sewer line. That’s what we’re here for. We give you back all your free time in exchange for your management fee.


Rental Payments and Accounting Services

We handle all your accounting services. We will pay you electronically with direct deposit on or before the first of the month. We know how important it is that you get your money on time so you can pay the property’s mortgage or pay whatever bills or expenses you have. You want your money regularly and on time, and we’re committed to that. We provide monthly electronic accounting statements, and we have online web portals so you can check on your property at any time.


Managing Repairs and Maintenance

With repairs and maintenance, we have a contractor’s license, and we work with a sister company called Turnovers, Unlimited. We provide you with the most competitive pricing because we deal in volume. We can negotiate better rates for our customers. If we can keep your costs down and keep you happy, we know we will stay employed for a lot longer.

Our team is licensed, insured, and bonded. We have everything you need. So, when you think about the 10 percent you’re paying, you know you’re getting a lot for your money. It costs a lot for us to provide the support you need. We are an established property management company and a professional business.

When you’re hiring a property manager, consider these things. Contact us at Noble Real Estate Services with any questions or concerns.

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